About Compassionate Counseling

No Time for YOU

You put so much time and energy into helping everyone else get their lives straight that you forget to make time to care for yourself.

Losing sight of yourself – losing touch with your own thoughts and your own feelings – can be a slow, subtle process.

Often, your world shifts ever so gradually, and you don’t even notice anything is wrong – until it feels like it might be too late.

Nowhere to Turn

How often have you thought about sharing your thoughts and feelings with your friend or partner or someone you love and trust, but you stop short because – DRAMA!

You’ve come so close to letting someone see these hardest parts of yourself – the sadness, the loneliness, the worry, the pain – only to back out at the last minute.

Who wants to hear all that? Who has time?

You don’t even want to think your own thoughts or feel your own feelings, let alone share those feelings with anyone else.

No Way Out – or is there?

Therapy is your chance! It’s time devoted entirely to YOU.

Each week, I’ll hold a safe and nonjudgmental space just for you. Together, we’ll explore the beliefs that have been holding you hostage for so dang long!

Our time together will be all about you. Has any thought ever sounded so amazing AND so overwhelming at the same time?

Just think, though! Time devoted to your peace and thoughts – and your feelings. Energy poured into unpacking the things that scare you. We’ll take apart the things you worry about.

Nothing Standing in Your Way

Imagine what life could be if you glimpsed the beautiful things on the other side of the crap that holds you back.

It’s time to let go of wondering if there really is more to life than waiting and worrying.

Together, we’ll systematically dismantle and free you from the garbage that trips you – so you can find the joy and peace begging to take center stage in your life.

Nothing Holding You Back

Taking full advantage of our intentionally designed relationship that keeps your health and wellness our primary goals, we’ll create a partnership that gets directly to the heart of your needs. While we’ll use various therapeutic tools, my favorites are compassion, empathy, and humor.

Sometimes it’s this simple: either you laugh – or you cry. In our space, we’ll unreservedly do both. And why wouldn’t we? Therapy is good for your soul.

That’s right. I said it. It’s good for you. Therapy can be intense, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be devoid of humor. Laughter is the best! And laughter through tears can feel even better. Finding someone who gets you and your sense of humor will make all the difference in your healing.

Life can be hard, but…

It doesn’t have to be hard all the time.

We can totally do this! We can work through your pain and into your healing together!

About Compassionate Counseling

Our Mission

We’re here to help create an environment that will serve you with intention and skill. We work to serve our clients with gratitude, empathy, and purpose.

Our Vision

We strive to provide a space that will foster your personal growth and development. We pour our energy into encouraging your discovery of tenacity, perseverance, courage, and strength.

Our Purpose

We work to support your time and energy as you explore the most effective way and lasting way to overcome personal obstacles and embrace true life satisfaction.

What Brought Us Here

Our team has been planning well in advance so that we could do more than merely empathize with you. We are set to provide you with active and meaningful support.

We make conscious decisions daily to find new ways to expand and stretch ourselves personally and professionally.We cannot WAIT to start your next spectacular adventure with you!